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GTA Mod Installer V5.0 beta

Размер: 1,31 МБ
Автор: cpmusick

"Новая версия GTA Mod Installer. Много нововведений:

Version 5.0 beta
-GXT Support. You can now edit GXT files for custom car names, or any other text for other mods. NOTE: This beta does not backup edited GXT files.
-New and much easier backup restoring. It displays a list of all backups in your GTA folder and lets you choose one to restore.
-Improved automatic update. Now it automatically checks for updates every five days.
-Built-in DMagic1 Wheel Mod installation. If the user doesn't have it installed, GMI will install it automatically (no download required).
-Ability to restart GMI automatically after installing a mod (for installing multiple mods).
-GTA Mod Installer's version is now stored in scripts for mods. This ensures that the mod can't be installed with an older, incompatible version of GMI (starts with v5.0).
-Detects if backup folder already exists. If so, the user is asked if they want to overwrite the existing backup.
-Optional ability to automatically remove a backup folder (and files) for a mod after restoring the backup."

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